Spark CBSE - Curriculum
While the philosophy at Spark is one, like two eyes focusing on a single object,
we have the curriculum earmarked for CBSE, as per the guidelines of NCERT, New Delhi

Formative (Jr. KG & Sr. KG)
Formative (Jr. KG & Sr. KG)
The formative stage is along the time tested Montessori methods of ‘learn by doing and learn while playing The freedom to learn in an atmosphere of love and caring forms the ambience. Audio visual aids are largely encouraged and participation in co curricular activities is keenly evinced. Teachers with an aptitude specifically for kids’ education are most enthusiastically solicited.
Primary Stage (Grades I-V)
The accent is on teaching aids. Models, camps, visits to exhibitions, in house planetarium, seminars all begin at this stage. For example, the concept of the phases of the moon, or the seasons and their dependence on the tilt of the earth’s axis and the equinoxes are explicitly taught with models.
The student is encouraged to make his own presentation of concepts learnt, with interesting project activities, Teachers specifically qualified for, and having experience in CBSE pattern, handle the curriculum efficiently with both intra school and interschool. continual upgradation programs instituted by the management

Secondary School (Grades VI-X)
The secondary school envisages the mode of learning by experience and enhancing the pace of learning by novel methods in line with the prescriptions of the Central Board of Secondary Education, Workshops on Sciences and Mathematics are conducted regularly while language learning is spruced up constantly Highly qualified, imaginative and visionary faculty, committed to passion, patience, flexibility and innovation encourage the students constantly while paying attention to individual needs.
Sr. Secondary School (Grades XI-XII)
An organic extension of secondary school forming the basis of higher education, Subjects are offered as per guidelines of CBSE, students are presented with a choice of groups that will launch them into higher education with confidence.
Best of teaching minds are entrusted with the process of teaching senior secondary students, competent teachers not only thorough with the board but also familiar with the competitive exams of NEET/JEE handle classes making it a complete package.
Rigorous practice by means of scheduled tests everyday and exams once a month make sure children’s understanding of the concepts are tested regularly and remarks and remediation recorded