We take hands-on learning seriously and our laboratories are testimony to it, fully equipped and modern facilities that help the children to cement the concepts taught in the classroom.
The computer lab is named after Larry Page at Spark CBSE.
The computer lab houses a host of modern Hardware and Software. A multitude of systems and high speed networks will greet you as you visit the plush, air conditioned lab. Managed by highly talented and qualified boasting of hands-on experience in the information technology field, practical training is imparted right from grade I, to ensure that the student is computer literate as soon as he/she learns to read & write.
Computer Savvy, soft skill ready, coupled with an astute personality will reap rich rewards. Students are encouraged to write their own programs, develop software, participate in ethical hacking programs which hone their analytical skills. Periodic upgradation ensures that we stay ahead of time -all the time.
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Physics lab at Spark CBSE school.
At Spark Schools, we offer much more to the sophomore!! Grasp the fundamentals practically. The spectrometer used to measure the Raman Shift !!
The Sonometer to measure the frequency and pitch !! Light and Optics Sound and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism Temperature and Heat
Time and Motion The Simple Pendulum and The Solar System
Stars, Galaxies and The Universe The Ultimate Analogy!!
Space and Gravity
with Precision and Brevity
to capture your imagination
and build a foundation
Chemistry lab at Spark CBSE is named after the famous scientist Prafulla Chandra Ray.
Ultra modern equipments include those for
Analysis of Salts and Compounds
Filtration, Distillation and Fractional Distillation -Refining
Electrolysis and Electroplating
Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chemical Reaction Studies
pH Value Studies
Estimation of Chloride, Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen in water Spectrophotometry.
All labs are under the supervision and care of exceptionally qualified and caring staff
A modern first aid procedure with well identified Do’s and Don’ts completes the safety requirements at all times.
The JC Bose Bio lab offers a
myriad scope for aspiring students of this life science.
Behold a Vibrant Biolab The Lab of Life
Become a Budding Bose, an eternal Darwin
A five petalled rose, Born to Win
with the Divine Proportion
Welcome to the JC Bose Biology lab.