
Sirkazhi Ramamrita Ranganathan library at spark CBSE. S.R. Ranganathan hailing from Sirkazhi Nagapattinam district of Tamilnadu was a famous mathematician and librarian. His most notable contributions were his five laws of library science for which he earned the epithet ‘Father of Library Science.
These laws are:
– Books are for use.
– Every reader his book. Every book its reader
– Save the time of the reader.
– Library is a growing organism.
Being a mathematician, he devised the world famous colon classification for easy placement and retrieval of books. It was the first ever analytico-synthetic classification. Its name ‘Colon Classification comes from the use of colons to separate facets in class numbers. Facets describe ‘Personality, Matter, Energy, Space and Time. These facets being universally applicable form a reliable basis for classification and sorting
Our libraries named after the luminary’s sobriquet SRR, strive to live up to what SRR stood for that the maximum time must be spent in a library- reading.
Fiction and Fiction, Travel and Adventure, Literature, Poetry, Classics, Armchair Travelogues, Quizzing, the Arts, Sciences and reference books on Specific Subjects, preparatory books that drive HOTS make up the library.